Principles of social responsibility

BING Culture
For us it is a matter of course to respect the cultural, social, political and legal diversity of societies and nations and we are fully aware of our social responsibility.
Within the framework of applicable laws and regulations of each country, BING in its sphere of influence strives to bring operational objectives in line with social and environmental requirements listed below.
I urge all members of staff to help to ensure compliance with these principles. I recommend to all our business partners and suppliers to introduce similar principles and incorporate them in their company policies.

Human Rights
BING respecst the observance of internationally proclaimed human rights.

Working work
…committed to the principle of the social market economy and competition.
…recognizes the freedom of association of workers.
…rejects any form of forced labor and child labor.
…respects equal opportunities in recruitment and employment.
…aims to occupational health and safety at a high level.
…supports integrating of physically and mentally disadvantaged people wherever possible.

As a manufacturer of carburettors, throttle bodies, switching modules, etc. for the automotive and leisure industries BING is dependent on a healthy environment and thus committed particularly to run its affairs so that adverse effects on the environment should be kept as low as possible.
Reducing emissions in processes and products has always been of great importance at BING. We will develop resource-efficient products manufacture them with the best available technology.

BING is against corruption, including extortion and bribery.